She received an invitation to go to Africa this summer, but she was confused and lost.. and didn't know what to think of this opportunity....That was in December, and then a few days later she was no longer lost, she admitted to herself that she was content with life, and she stopped doubting the lie that was in her mind saying she didn't know her Father in heaven.
Then a situation came to her a few days later.. The next three weeks were a roller coaster ride of emotions and God was in each and every one of them...After praying, thinking, discussing,and more praying.. She finally made a decision..
The decision to pursue a relationship with her best guy friend, who happened to be leaving to recruit training in two weeks..
Some called her crazy, some couldn't believe it, but others [[her friends]] supported her and helped her through everything...
Some called her crazy, some couldn't believe it, but others [[her friends]] supported her and helped her through everything...
She and the boy talked for hours.. all they wanted to do was be with each other.. but they reminded each other that this relationship was only going to work if they relied on God to keep them together and connected, despite the distance and a different form of communication. She had the most insane winter break of her life, as everything started to come together.. But it had come to an end..And Wednesday night was the last time she saw him in person, until they meet up again in April.
She traveled back to her second home which was a long long ride..six hours of thinking took place and she didn't know how she was going to handle this...
The time came when he actually left, and then there were no more chats no more phone calls, all they had power of faith.. The faith that God would take care of them, and their relationship..
The girl had a terrible first week of school, and she couldn't even talk to the boy about it..
She felt like she didn't belong, like there was no purpose for her being here, at the school she was at. All she wanted to do was run away and hide in her wasn't fair that she couldn't talk to the boy who makes her smile and there was no boy to ask her how her day was.. But what she didn't know was the power of the Holy Spirit lifted her up and told her everything was going to be okay.. A few days later, she got used to the fact that she couldn't talk to him, and she was content with that, because he was perusing his dream, and she was focusing on her studies..
Friday she went to a house of prayer event with her friend, she felt uncomfortable the first half hour and something was wrong, but she didn't know what was bothering her... her shoulders were tense and everything... but then these two girls prayed over her, saying everything she needed to hear..and they lifted up the stuff that she couldn't put her finger on... She felt the love of her Father in heaven, just saying to her that their is a reason she's here, and he has plan for her, even if she can't see it yet. And the Holy Spirit filled her heart with joy.. and she loved life. The worries that she came in with were no longer there, and she was happy. Then she noticed her shoulders no longer hurt anymore, a weight had literary been lifted off of her shoulders.. She knew God was in the room.
She thinks about it, and her prayers were answered, she had finally witnessed the power of the Holy Spirit. Thanks God. :)
Now about that boy...
She still thinks about him all the time.. But now when she thinks of him, instead of instantly missing him, she automatically smiles and thinks to herself: Thank You God, for placing him in my life.
Happy almost three weeks, Mr. Amazing.
( the time you get this it'll be more than 3 weeks..)
11:27PM 1/22/2010